
Virtual exhibition in the time of pandemic

For five years now, the Bandon, Oregon Library gallery has held a mosaic art exhibition. I was informed about the opportunity since the beginning, but have never participated, because I didn’t want to incur the expense of shipping work to and from, with no serious chance the work would sell. Bandon is a lovely little seaside town in Southern Oregon, quite remote, and too long a trip to drive the work both ways. Thus, I’ve never participated.

Except this year offered a new opportunity: since the library couldn’t hold an in-person exhibition this year in light of the pandemic, the organizer decided to try her hand and mounting an online exhibition. And voilá! An opportunity to show new work, with no cost to the participants! I had just completed a new work, and the show it was intended to go to first, was postponed indefinitely because of the pandemic. So, why not? I sent the new piece, Activate the Midline, for the Bandon exhibition.

It was a lot of work to create this show, probably a lot more work than usual for the curator, Tracy Hodson. The effort allowed many more artists to participate than would have if the usual in-person show could have happened. Thank you, Tracy!

Click this link to an article about the show in a Bandon arts newsletter, in which my piece is featured! There’s a link to the entire exhibition in the article. Enjoy some excellent mosaic art, in many diverse styles.

NewsLynn Adamo